I’m Pregnant, Now What?


So, you have found out the wonderful news that you are carrying a little human. Congratulations! What an exciting time for you and your loved ones!

Whilst you are getting your head around this new fact, pregnancy can also be a daunting time where you suddenly feel completely out of control and that things are moving at a thousand miles per hour. You may have been preparing for this journey for a long time or only since last week, or maybe, it’s a big shock to the system….which ever your circumstance, you are most likely feeling vulnerable and totally responsible for the new life inside of you, not wanting to muck things up in anyway, and wanting to do all you can to ensure your baby grows and develops as healthily as they should.

That’s why I have put together this neat summary, with all of the key things you need to know about how to nourish your body optimally throughout your pregnancy journey. So grab a refreshing drink and a comfy, quiet spot to focus as I guide you through this e-book and teach you about the important role that good nutrition plays in supporting you and your baby.
