Stay well balanced and take care of your body during pregnancy.
There are many factors that can impact on your ability to conceive and successfully carry and grow a healthy baby. Your body is most fertile when you are taking the best care of your health and your hormones are in balance. Establishing healthful daily habits related to diet, exercise, sleep and self-care can help you achieve this.
Kat is here to help you establish and maintain the right balance throughout your pregnancy journey, preparing your mind and body, guiding and supporting you with up to date nutrition and health advice to best manage and adapt to the changes your pregnancy brings. Small changes to your diet and lifestyle can make a big difference to how well you manage the pregnancy rollercoaster ride.
The hormonal changes that come with pregnancy can be surprising.
Pregnant women experience many hormonal changes throughout their pregnancy journey that:
Affect their mood
Aid in fetal development
Alter how the body reacts to physical activity
Create the “pregnancy glow”
The two main hormones that increase during pregnancy are estrogen and progesterone.
Estrogen levels increase during pregnancy to help the uterus and placenta:
Transfer nutrients
Support the baby’s development and maturing
Improve the formation of blood vessels
Progesterone levels increase during pregnancy to:
Aid the laxity of ligaments and joints throughout the body
Aid internal structures (such as the uterus) to expand in size
Aid internal structures to accommodate and develop along with a baby
What happens when my hormones are out of balance?
Hormonal imbalances make it more difficult to get pregnant. If you are already pregnant and your hormones are out of balance, it can:
Irregulate and cause sudden changes in body temperature
Cause indigestion and bloating
Cause skin blemishes
Cause mood swings and stress levels to fluctuate
Cause irritability and trouble concentrating
How can Katrina Ridout Nutrition help balance my hormones?
Kat is specialised and experienced in identifying the nutrients and strategies you need in order to give your body and baby the best chance of a healthy and positive pregnancy. Through individual consultation, Kat will provide you with customised diet plans and strategies to help balance your hormones. Contact Katrina to grow your health and well-being today.